Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

SEO is also more complex than ever in modern times. It takes more than just building links, creating any old content, and adding a few keywords to improve your organic search rankings and increase the visibility of your business or brand. Emerging trends like voice search and the ever expanding backlinking markets are essential to successful SEO. Forecast Solutions specializes in SEO for 2020 and beyond. Semantic search crawlers and voice search optimization require constant original content creation. We custom design each piece of content to focus and tailor to the current advertising desires of your organization.

Develop content that answers your target market’s questions. Think frequently asked questions—and a question-and-answer format—only with far more depth. You might dedicate entire pieces of content to a particular question, answering the question at the top of the article (“what is semantic search,” for example) before diving into more detail.
Write for people, not search engines. That means developing content that is to the point, concise and written in easy-to-understand sentences. Include bullets and lists that make it easy for people to skim and find the information they need. Finally, write naturally!

Use structured data where it makes sense. Using a product, question, article, ratings, or review schema helps bots find and understand your pages with greater ease (which search engines happen to like, especially for use in rich snippets).
Implement contextual internal linking on your website. Internal linking goes beyond creating logical click paths to related topics for your users. Done strategically, it creates a data-rich, well-structured map of related content around a central topic or search term. Says, John McAlpin, SEO Director at Cardinal, “Tools like InLinks can help SEOs automate this process of implementing schema and internal linking, but it will take a shift in understanding of how search engines understand data.”

Optimize content for topics instead of keywords. One strategy is to build out clusters of valuable content around a high-level topic. A topic cluster around SEO, for example, might include subtopics dedicated to technical SEO, on-page SEO, and backlinking. As you build and optimize around topic groupings, you naturally build a nexus of related short-tail and longer-tail keywords, all of which lends well to better rankings. “We will have to focus on optimizing for topics, instead of keywords,” continues McAlpin, “and be as comprehensive as possible about those topics.”
Modern SEO is an ongoing long term project for each client, and we require a time commitment contract of 180 days. During this time we will produce the following.

  1. Rank for “Journalist Keywords”
  2. Use Animated Images to Improve Time On Site
  3. Create Content Hubs
  4. Target Comparison Keywords
  5. Use Dynamic Parameters for Pagination
  6. Build Backlinks With Podcasts
  7. Forge a Content Alliance
  8. Maximize SERP Real Estate
  9. Embed Original Images In Your Content
  10. Optimize Your Content For Keyword Relevance
  11. Create a Comments Section On Your Blog
  12. Uncover People Also Ask Keywords
  13. Add “Content Features” To Your Page
  14. Publish Topic + Year Content
  15. Get Backlinks From Unlinked Brand Mentions
  16. Optimize for Google Discover
  17. Find Low-Competition Keywords From Reddit

Bonus Strategy #1: Visualize Your Sitemap (Click /web-development/#visualize to see how we can help.)

Bonus Strategy #2: Find Hidden Terms With Google Keyword Planner

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